Smart Search Plugin for WordPress

Smart Search Plugin for WordPress

Take your WordPress search to the next level with our advanced search plugin. Enhance user experience on your website.

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Sell more, reduce support costs and connect visitors to content with AddSearch

Our WordPress search plugin is an instant, visual site search that works on all devices and is easy to install. Get started with our customizable and powerful site search solution in 5 minutes – no coding required.

Show the best search results – on the first try

Manage Search Results
Manage Search Results
Don’t leave anything to chance. Direct visitors to the pages that matter most.
Create your own list of synonyms to catch all possible variations.
Self-Learning Algorithm
Self-Learning Algorithm
Our intelligent algorithm watches visitor patterns and adjusts search results to target the most popular results.
Advanced Search Plugin for WordPress
Advanced Search Plugin for WordPress
Effortless installation replaces the default search with AddSearch. You’ll wonder why you ever used anything else.
Typo Tolerance
Typo Tolerance
Spelling is never an issue. Smart searching gives them Caribbean hotels, even if they search for Caribean, Carribean, or more common mis-spellings.
Developers Love Us
Developers Love Us
Search API, design customization, and all the developer-ready tools that you need are right at hand.

sea ray site search

Keep your website lightning fast

Plugins that extend WordPress search or provide advanced features (search as you type) can cripple your website with unnecessary database queries and make it excruciatingly slow for users. Using AddSearch, you can provide advanced search features while keeping your website lightning fast.

AddSearch doesn’t burden your servers and our lightning-fast, geographically distributed Search network delivers results in no time.

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Seamlessly cover your entire network with one search

Multi-Domain Support
Multi-Domain Support
Bring together all of your existing content under one search index. Include subdomains and even separate domains in the same search.
Highly Customizable Search Design
Highly Customizable Search Design
Adjust the look and feel of your search operations and results with CSS tweaks that developers and novices alike can appreciate.
PDF Support
PDF Support
Your search can provide PDFs, MS Word, and PowerPoint documents in the results. Just another way to get your visitors the information they’re after!

Pamper your users with easy and modern search experience

Search As You Type
Search As You Type
AddSearch’s lightning-quick results show up after the first character, giving your site’s search engine a polished, high-end feel and responsive performance.
Ajax Crawling
Ajax Crawling
Offer visitors a rich interactive user experience without having to load the whole web page each time when browsing new content.
Optimized For Mobile
Optimized For Mobile
Your visitors get a first-rate experience on phones, tablets, or laptops.

Get started now with 14-day free trial

A better site search experience is right at your fingertips. Start understanding and managing your search performance today!

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Learn more about site search and our cloud-based solution.

AddSearch site search enables you to deliver the best results on the first try, and manage search performance.  By enhancing the user experience on your WordPress website, you can reduce bounce rates and user frustration.


We have various features to help improve search relevance and discovery: 

Typo Tolerance

Users’ queries often include misspelled words. For example, “Caribean” instead of Caribbean. Our site search solution tolerates these frequent typos and still sources products with the correct spelling.

Multi-Domain Support

Extend smart search to a variety of subdomains and even separate domains in the same search. Our multi-domain support enables you to bring all content under one search index to manage performance.

PDF Support

The WordPress plugin let’s you return various forms of results, including PDFs. For example, a keyword or search can return spec sheets, product catalogs, etc. in the form of PDFs, MS Word, or PowerPoint formats. Anything to extend your visitors’ time on your site, and help them make smarter decisions. 

See the full list of WordPress features here

“AddSearch picks up everything we publish in real time : products, documents and news. It’s great that I can run a full content re-crawl and within a couple of hours our website is completely indexed.”
Darrin Elkins, Global Web & Digital Development Manager