By default, Shopify displays product suggestions when the user types letters in the search field. If product suggestions are enabled, they are shown together with the Intelligent Search App search results.

You can disable product suggestions in the theme’s settings on your Shopify admin page to prevent showing the product suggestions and Intelligent Search App search results simultaneously.


To disable product suggestions, follow these instructions:

  1. Log in to your Shopify admin page
  2. Click the Themes link to open the themes page

A picture of Themes link in Shopify admin page

  1. Click the Customize button to open theme settings

A picture of Customize themes button in Shopify admin page

  1. Click the Header link to open header settings

A picture of Header link in Shopify admin theme editor page

  1. Scroll down the right sidebar until you reach THEME SETTINGS
  2. Click the THEME SETTINGS link to open theme’s settings
  3. Uncheck the Enable product suggestions checkbox to disable product suggestions

A picture of checkbox for toggling product suggestions Shopify admin theme editor page

  1. Click the Save button to save changes

A picture Save button for saving changes made for the theme in Shopify admin theme editor page

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