Synonyms ensure different keywords with similar meanings lead to the same search result.

Synonyms are useful when your visitor searches with keywords that do not exist on the web page. You can add synonyms for slang terms, nicknames, or competitors‘ similar products.


To add synonyms, follow these instructions:

In the Shopify admin:

  1. Go to Intelligent Search & Filter app page
  2. Click Go To Your AddSearch Dashboard button to open the AddSearch dashboard

In the AddSearch dashboard:

  1. Go to Synonyms under Manage results
  2. Click Add new synonym group +
  3. Type in a comma-separated list of synonyms for each row
  4. Click Save after making changes

Picture of synonyms user interface in AddSearch dashboard.

Please note that synonym keywords don’t work with Pinned results. You have to set the keywords separately in Pinned results.

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