Looking for a better search alternative to Algolia? You just found it.

Looking for a better search alternative to Algolia? You just found it.

Powerful search and discovery with quick and easy setup for any industry and CMS.

addsearch site search vs algolia Index content with crawler or API
addsearch site search vs algolia Advanced search results ranking
addsearch site search vs algolia Automate search automation with AI-powered features

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Request a Demo

addsearch site search vs algolia Our website is expansive, and AddSearch makes it easy for our
to find the resources they need — it even works across our
multiple URLs and multiple subdomains.”
addsearch site search vs algolia


addsearch site search vs algolia

A unified search solution proven to drive real business results

From increasing sales on an ecommerce store, generating more engagement for a publication, to reducing support tickets, your visitors will find what they’re looking for with our advanced search.

A powerful, full-featured Algolia alternative that offers great return on investment, AddSearch works across content management systems and domains to give your visitors access to the information they need, as they need it.

addsearch site search vs algolia

AddSearch vs Algolia Search Side by Side

AddSearch Premium Algolia Premium
Price $ 499 / month $ 750 / month
Search queries 500,000 / month 100,000 / month
Analytics history 365 days 30 days
Dedicated Developer & UX Designer addsearch site search vs algolia addsearch site search vs algolia
Live Chat Support addsearch site search vs algolia addsearch site search vs algolia
Crawling addsearch site search vs algolia Add-on
Search API addsearch site search vs algolia addsearch site search vs algolia
Search results management addsearch site search vs algolia addsearch site search vs algolia
Search filters addsearch site search vs algolia addsearch site search vs algolia
Synonyms addsearch site search vs algolia addsearch site search vs algolia
Multilingual website and language-specific features addsearch site search vs algolia addsearch site search vs algolia
Search suggestions autocomplete addsearch site search vs algolia addsearch site search vs algolia
Ranking by custom fields and tags addsearch site search vs algolia addsearch site search vs algolia
Promotions addsearch site search vs algolia addsearch site search vs algolia

Connect your audience with the content that matters

addsearch site search vs algolia

Show accurate results in real-time, every time.

Don’t frustrate users with irrelevant results or force them to click through countless pages on your website.

addsearch site search vs algolia

Finetune the search results to perfection.

Promote pages and events, change rankings of results, and personalize the search results for different user segments based on their actions.

addsearch site search vs algolia

Add advanced search to your site, without stressing your dev team.

Adding advanced search is easy with AddSearch — Install and customize our plug & play module, or let our team configure it for you.

addsearch site search vs algolia

addsearch site search vs algolia HIGH PERFORMANCE

Display relevant results at lightning fast speeds

Instant search results are just the beginning. Control which pages show up. Rank high-value pages higher. Understand typos, phrases, and synonyms with ease. This way, you’ll always show the best content on the first search.

addsearch site search vs algolia  The search is fast, “thinks ahead” by displaying results even before
the search terms are completely entered, and displays an attractive
thumbnail graphic with each search results.”
addsearch site search vs algolia

addsearch site search vs algolia FLEXIBLE DESIGN

Customize the look and feel to match your brand

Go beyond basic cosmetic changes to design a usable, functional, and delightful brand experience.

addsearch site search vs algolia Easily change the layout with ready-made components
addsearch site search vs algolia Adjust colors, fonts, and styling for a consistent brand experience.
addsearch site search vs algolia Add advanced functionality like filters, auto-fill, and live previews.

addsearch site search vs algolia

addsearch site search vs algolia

addsearch site search vs algolia USEFUL INSIGHTS

Use powerful analytics to refine search relevance

See what users are looking for and what they’re having trouble finding — this way, you can leverage data to optimize your search experience, decide what content to invest in, and improve your information architecture.

addsearch site search vs algolia

Identify popular keywords and trends

Understand how often visitors use search, and which terms they are searching for the most.

addsearch site search vs algolia

Uncover gaps in your search experience

Analyze the searches with no results and use them to tag relevant pages or guide your content strategy.

addsearch site search vs algolia

De-index and learn from irrelevant results

Remove irrelevant results from the mix so that you don’t frustrate your users.

addsearch site search vs algolia  The performance is outstanding and the possibilites the Dashboard
offers are so diverse; we add hidden keywords, use synonym groups
or change the weight (relevance) of a single page in the index.“
addsearch site search vs algolia

One search platform with all the advanced functionality you need

Any time you need support, it’s here for you

addsearch site search vs algoliaAssistance with search optimization and configuration

addsearch site search vs algoliaDone-for-you migration and setup

addsearch site search vs algoliaAlways here to answer your questions.

Get responsive, personalized, one-on-one support that stands out among Algolia alternatives, as reviewed by customers.

addsearch site search vs algolia

Thousands of businesses trust AddSearch to deliver the best search experience for their customers

Site search is one of the most used features of a website — do you really want yours to be underpowered?

Monthly Annually


$649 Per month
$499 Per month
Advanced search solution for websites and ecommerce

Key features:
– Everything in Professional
– Ranking Tools, Personalization and Auto Synonyms
– Our devs and designers build your unique Search UI
– SLA & Priority Support

get in touch


$129 Per month
$99 Per month
Easy-to-use and fast search solution

Key features:
– Manage Search Results
– Synonyms and Autocomplete
– Google Analytics Integration
– PDF, DOC and PPT files

start a free trial


Fully-tailored solution for the enterprise

Key features:
– Everything in Premium
– Custom Commercial Terms
– Multiple Search Indices
– Fully Customizable

request a demo


addsearch site search vs algolia

A flexible search experience for your website — without the development time!