Search built on top of Elastic

Search built on top of Elastic

Get Elastic-based search without months of coding.

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Looking into Elastic search? Look no more.

We already did all the heavy lifting. All you need to do it try!

search result management

Ready-made tools to control your search results

Take advantage of your search to drive traffic to the most important pages of your website. Fine-tune your search results to make sure your visitors find what they are looking for.

  • Autocomplete and search suggestions
  • Boost the ranking of webpages or site sections
  • Exclude or add content to your search

Built-in search analytics

Build your content strategy around your website visitors’ needs. Monitor your search performance and optimize your search results. Uncover the hidden demand and boost customer engagement.

  • Popular keyword queries
  • Keywords that do not answer the search intent
  • Empty keyword results and low click-through rate results

search analytics

site search design

Design without restrictions

Use ready-made customizable views or create search design using our Search UI library components. Our design and implementation support is available to Premium customers.

  • Filters, facets, sorting and more
  • Instant search or traditional form submit
  • E-commerce grid views

Add search personalization

Show search results unique to each user or user segment depending on their history, behavious or settings. Build seemless website experience that helps your customers stay engaged while promoting products or content.

  • Personalized search results
  • Smart product recommendations
  • Personalization implementation support

search personalization

search cms

Work with any CMS

From WordPress, Wix to popular e-commerce platforms or uncommon CMSs, we’ve got you covered. You can install the search to any system, whether by native integration or plugin (like WordPress) or simply by adding a few lines on code.

  • Native plugin for WordPress
  • Work with e-commerce platforms
  • Install search to popular and uncommon CMSs

Built for websites of all sizes

Monthly Annually


$34 Per month
$29 Per month
Ideal for small websites


Key features:
– 1000 documents
– Weekly crawling
– Dev tools (API & libraries)

start a free trial


$129 Per month
$99 Per month
Easy-to-use and fast search solution

Key features:
– Manage Search Results
– Synonyms and Autocomplete
– Google Analytics Integration
– PDF, DOC and PPT files

start a free trial


$649 Per month
$499 Per month
Advanced search solution for websites and ecommerce

Key features:
– Everything in Professional
– Ranking Tools, Personalization and Auto Synonyms
– Our devs and designers build your unique Search UI
– SLA & Priority Support

get in touch


Fully-tailored solution for the enterprise

Key features:
– Everything in Premium
– Custom Commercial Terms
– Multiple Search Indices
– Fully Customizable

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